Dogs, Cats
and other services..DOG SERVICES FROM PEEKABOO

Visits including feeding, playing, cuddling, cleaning/changing litter tray, letting in/out of the house - again to suit your requirements. Remember – a happy cat is one where the PERSON does exactly what they are told to do by the cat!!! Feed me, cuddle me, play with me etc. This is what we strive for with cats – to be the perfect cat servant!

Please give us a call regarding any other animals, birds, reptiles, fish etc and we can discuss exactly what your requirements are. No job is too small for us….however, some jobs are too big for us i.e. horses, livestock etc!

This is a service we offer to take your pet to the vets. This may be that you are at work or you and your pet have no transport to the vets etc. This is handy if your pet needs a booster or check up and you need to work that day. If we are to take your pet in without you then a Vet Release Form will need to be signed and sent to your Vets in advance so they are able to deal directly with us.

We also offer a housework and/or a spring-cleaning service as a one-off whilst you’re away, or ongoing when you need us.
Whatever service you require for your pet you will be safe in the knowledge that your pet is cared for, receiving love and having fun either out walking (dogs only!) or in the comfort of our own home.
We like to text or call to put your mind at rest when we have returned your pet back home. This applies to dog walking, doggy daycare, comfort/cuddle sessions and pet visiting only. If your pet is staying with us overnight we give daily (or more if you require) calls or texts to let you know all is well and what has happened that day (length of walking, how training is getting on, food eaten etc), this just gives you peace of mind.
A lot of our clients love us to take pictures of their dogs out walking or just snuggled down at home. We also take videos of them mooching around or playing with other dogs. If you would like us to do this let us know and you will see that your dog was happy with us, content and having fun!
On overnight stays you provide their bed, crate, toys, food, coat, brush, bowl, collar & tag, lead and any medication. Having their bedding is important to them as it will have their homes scent on it which helps them to settle.
We work all hours so can visit your pet for as long as you like and for as many times per day as they need. They are welcome in our home to stay all day and overnight. We take a lot of information about your pet at the consultation which enables us to give the best service possible.